Sitemap - 2021 - High Plains Blogger

1/6: no 'anniversary'

Yep, Maxwell is a sex trafficker, too

Don Jr. reveals his ignorance

Tutu leaves towering legacy

Still in the blogging game

Shut ... up, Sarah!

'Lights' make us smile

Manchin drives me nuts

Why is this so damn political?

Heroes stepping up again

A COVID death ... and a shrug

Tell us you lacked support, Matt

Pentagon rights a terrible wrong

Abortion won't end ... ever!

RIP, Sen. Dole

Leave DACA alone!

Cuomo crosses the line

Big Lie gets weirder

A huge surprise!

Nice ... big ... puppy!

POTUS doesn't possess the office

The boy is no hero

GOP turns me into a partisan

Once more on Rittenhouse

It's climate change ... stupid!

Professor or comrade? Really?

Party of 'truth'?

Censure? That's it for this clown?

Guns to become campaign centerpiece

Wyoming GOP: off its rocker

Beto jumps in! Yes!

How about cell phone ban enforcement?

'Ruthless Bobby,' we need you

'Let's go Brandon' explained

City on verge of big change

So many opportunities ...

'All hell' will break loose again

'Afterlife' is so much fun

Relishing the recognition

Big Lie gets challenger

Liz Cheney strikes back

Vaccine politics? Amazing!

Who's she calling 'traitor'?

Time to meet the press, Mr. POTUS

Hoping the grid holds up

Dems take it on the chin

CRT takes center stage

Hoping Texas AG is a goner

Principle has been perverted

Afraid to fly? Yep ... I am

Don't do this, MLB

Freedom to sick others? Hah!

Happy Oxhi Day!

Wondering why the 'yes' vote

Cruz tests resolve

Fence-mending awaits POTUS

If I were King of the World

'Peaceful demonstration?' Really?

Welcome aboard, Neil Cavuto

Sticking with Biden, despite misgiving

Age of paranoia

Be gone, Donald!

Payoff affirms refusal to give money

Politics isn't everything

No on executive privilege

No. 45 weighs in ... ugh!

Where is Trump's tribute?

Mayor as a pitchwoman?

Honor the late county judge

Cultists insult Old Glory

No privacy privilege for this clown

Windows = transparency

Can this clown actually win?

Is our grumpiness terminal?

POTUS seeks compromise

COVID trends: encouraging

Yeah, but he still lost!

Legislature stiffs Texans 'of color'

Not giving up on POTUS

Will the madness ever end?

Gullibility: is it terminal?

Yes on kids' vaccine

Elections have consquences

Time for metal detectors?

End the toxic madness!

Can we muster some kindness?

Politics has become blood sport

Reckoning on its way

Finish the 1/6 probe soon

Don't let me down!

No money for Trump aides' books

RIP, Tommy Kirk

Patriots? Phooey!

Happy birthday, Mr. President

Democracy stumbles along

Abbott bows to POTUS 45

Bring him in, Dog

Panel means business

Dog the Bounty Hunter is on it!

Spare me the high fives

Back off ... chumps!

It's called 'public health'

'GOP' takes on new meaning

Reagan assailant to go free

Please say this won't happen

Border isn't 'open'

An insurrection? Yep ... it was

POTUS for all Americans?

No 'executive privilege'

There is no fraud to be found

Trump brings fraud case to Texas

Ken Burns scores once more

Rigging takes odd twist

Democrats need to catch breath

Phony audit produces hopeful result

Let the panel do its whole job

Yes, Dr. Paul!

Ain't no Texas vote fraud!

Where's the love, Meghan?

POTUS works as legislator

POTUS seeks to work his magic

McConnell said ... what?

COVID news tests my sanity

Lift every voice, sing National Anthem

Dismal turnout awaits

Biden makes debut at U.N.

POTUS takes the hit, again!

Trump put us in 'Peril'

Redistricting carnage to begin

Wanting a newfound GOP

Is this a 'super spreader'?

'Justice for J6' rally fizzles

Hooking up with those folks

Geniuses aren't perfect

Anger lingers toward ex-POTUS

'Uncaring' fits, too

Enough from Nicki Minaj!

Ex-VP Quayle: new 1/6 hero

Milley acted wisely

Pro-choice conflicts with pro-life

Big Lie returns to table

Bring on the clones!

These are insane times

Can we close the divide?

Indicted AG sues school districts

Harvest the 'good' in infrastructure bill

Roe v Wade far from settled

Heroes highlighted on this broadcast

Keep eyes on all the balls

Bush tells us truth about terrrorism

These words still ring so true

9/11 brings dual-track remembrance

Why can't we unify against pandemic?

Honor the 9/11 heroes

Heroes lurk in our hospitals

GOP needs reality check

Christie speaks the truth

Newsom needs to survive recall

Honor the heroes of 9/11

Biden pledges to save lives

Docs get vilified unjustly

9/11 stands alone

Abbott can't end abortion

'Eliminate' rape? How?

Texas pols turn state into big joke

Ethel Kennedy: Keep Sirhan locked up

Do we kick 'em out of Congress?

Hoping DOJ can reverse abortion ban

Afghanistan: Will it get better?

Bring on the differences!

USSR didn't get anywhere, either

Still a man's world, eh?

Manchin flexes his muscle

Will the Taliban welcome us back?

'My body, my choice' ... really?

Heroes do not die in vain

Texas pols enact seriously flawed law

More guns on the streets?

Sniper squad takes aim

POTUS stays out of the way

Recalling an Afghanistan expert

It's over ... finally!

Biden earns credit, not blame

Vaccines are safe; take them!

Over the horizon: Can we see 'em?

Biden utters epic pledge

Evac plan is working

Numbskulls need to take heed

Mission nearly done

How do you rebuild your life?

Don Jr. should just shut up!

Be gone, POTUS 45!

The entire world is a stage

Sirhan gets parole ... wow!

Pandemic of unvaccinated, indeed

Byrd acted heroically

A great nation mourns

You want incompetent?

This man is a hero

Terror group assumes new ID

Stand tall, educators

Select panel gets to work

Evac plans proceeding quickly

Standing with POTUS

Paying folks to protect themselves?

RIP, Charlie Watts

Capitol cop cleared

Deadline might need extension

A rebellion takes hold

Do we stay, or do we go?

Why fret over this guy?

Oh, how I detest this guy

No mention of 1/6

Shut ... up, Matt Gaetz

Still believing The Big Lie

Paris ISD gets creative

Biden damned either way

A little perspective in order

Get vaccinated ... dammit!

Gen. Lee? Traitor!

Exit strategy ... anyone?

City aims for home-rule charter

Politics of the pandemic?

A&M could take over Rayburn library

Gov. Abbott comes up COVID positive

Biden dealt chaotic hand

Biden gives speech of his life

Biden: Buck stops with me

No Vietnam? Really, Mr. Secretary?

Un-vaxxed, keep your distance

Optimism put to test

Stand tall, Liz Cheney

Florida pol takes the cake

Did we prep the Afghans for this?

POTUS 45's political obit is written

Biden is still POTUS!

They didn't 'die in vain'

The journey continues

My Pillow Guy calls it

Stupidity is stubborn foe

Confused and frightened

Pols vs. docs

Fauci is not our 'enemy'

So long, Gov. Cuomo

Military orders vaccines

What would you do?

DISD boss plays it right

DISD boss defies Abbott

UN offers hope and peril

POTUS 45 leaves rotten legacy

How do they deny it?

COVID produces nasty spat

Optimism remains strong

Not pretty to watch

Staying the course in retirement

Pursue the truth

'These officers are heroes'

Resign, Gov. Cuomo

Officials defy Abbott order

Impeach POTUS over this?

Partisan battle over mask wearing?

Abbott gets heavy handed

Party's over, governor

Class-action suit possible?

Ex-POTUS to fight tax return release

Newt sets idiocy standard

Rivalry is back!

Diversionary defense emerges

Silver lining in vote fraud scam?

They need our protection

The fight goes on

Duplicity and hypocrisy abound

Biden declares war on liars

What if she had crashed and burned?

Choice has its limits

No need to apologize, Simone

Blame Pelosi! Nice move, GOP!

No huggin' and kissin' on Jan. 6

Truth battles alternative reality

This is 'reality TV' that hurts

Let the probe begin

Golden Rule ... anyone?

POTUS 45 builds tumultuous legacy

GOP signs on finally with vaccine

Climate change has arrived!

Cleveland ... Guardians?

POTUS 45 remains silent?

GOP abandons Cheney?

Pride arrives in Princeton

Cheney's star keeps rising

Jackson channels AOC

Ex-POTUS Club remains exclusive

Protect DACA recipients

'Pandemic of unvaccinated'

No end to stupidity

Dr. Fauci deserves praise, not scorn

Sir Winston was right

Globalism returns!

Texas Democrats set to flee

CPAC loons take over

GOP searches for missing fraud

Why support this POTUS?

End the politicization

Yes, it was an insurrection

COVID pandemic is not over, doc

GOP heroes have emerged

Ex-POTUS's name will live in infamy

Best is still to come?

Just go away, POTUS 45

Thanks, Mr. POTUS 45

Stand tall, Rep. Cheney

'Routine day' of touring?

Cosby walks on a technicality

Pelosi set to call for vote

How do you make this call?

Climate change, anyone?

Ex-VP is proud of his role?

POTUS takes aim at gun violence

No communion for POTUS?

The Big Lie lives on

Politics turns term limits on their ear

Juneteenth gains honor

Don't need casinos

Biden confronts Putin

Now it's State Bar's turn

Fauci fires back at critics

Paxton gets needed GOP challenge

Assault on democracy explained

Lt. Gov. just pisses me off

What became of GOP?

Abbott overreaches on masks

Dodgers land future HOFer

GOP chasm to widen

Keep abortion legal

Dark era has commenced

GOP in Trump's tight grip

POTUS runs into wall

From gadfly to icon?

Cheney speaks the truth

Honoring a champion

Show us the fraud!

Hey, it's Earth Day!

Justice delivered

They have no place

Time for a city charter

Biden declares victory

Cops quit, but probe must go on

Politics: the 'other contagion'

A new search for unity?

Don't expand SCOTUS

Take him to court!

Texas AG deserves challenge

POTUS takes action

Mixed message on COVID?

Vote 'reform' lives on Big Lie

Bipartisanship is gone

Go big ... or go home

Reform it, don't kill it!

It's not POTUS v. media warfare

Dust Bowl produced sturdy folk

Death penalty for abortion?

Too late, Sen. Cruz

Thank you, media

Say her name, GOP!

Biden restores humanity to policy

Trump is gone; Cruz remains